Ludwig Trophy Standings: 2022-2023

The Carl J. Ludwig All Sports Championship is an annual award given to the chapter that exemplifies consistent athletic excellence during the DeMolay Year.  Chapters are awarded points for placing in the top four spots of Massachusetts DeMolay sports tournaments: Tenpin Bowling, Candlepin Bowling, Video Game Tournament, Dodgeball, Tug-o-War, and Volleyball.  First place is awarded 5 points, second place is given 3, third place gets 2 points and fourth place ends up with 1 point.  Here is how the Ludwig standings shook out for 2022-23!

Place Chapter Points
1st South Shore 20
2nd Greater Boston 9
4th Wakefield 7
5th Gardner 6
5th Worcester 6
7th J.G. Whittier 4.5
8th John Eliot 2
9th Benjamin Franklin 1.5
10th Tri-Town 1
Tournament Results
Tenpin Bowling (October 2022):
First - South Shore (1411)
Second - Connecticut (1397)
Third - Greater Boston (1225)
Fourth - Tekoa (1049)
Fifth - J.G. Whittier/John Eliot (990)
High Series - Ian F., South Shore (351)
High Single - Jack C., Connecticut (173)
Dodgeball (January 2023):
First - South Shore
Second - Gardner
Third - Wakefield
Fourth - Worcester
MVP - Noah S., Gardner
Video Game Tournament:
First - Tekoa
Second - Worcester
Third - J.G. Whittier
Third - Worcester
MVP - Jafar A.
Candlepin Bowling (May 2023):
First - South Shore (1017)
Second - Connecticut (1002)
Third - Greater Boston (962)
Fourth - Tekoa (920)
Fifth - Gardner (881)
High Triple - Colin B. (93)
High Single - Nick M. (248)
Tug-of-War (Conclave 2023):
First - Wakefield
Second - Greater Boston
Third - Gardner
Fourth - Worcester
MVP - Nate B. 
Volleyball (Conclave 2023):
First - South Shore
Second - Benjamin Franklin/John Eliot
Third - J.G. Whittier
Fourth - Tri-Town (Cape Cod/Middleboro/Phoenix)
MVP - Aaron H.